Grow Your Own Garnish with The Teasmith Gin

Grow your own garnish for The Teasmith Gin

It’s fragrant, fast-growing, it’s green, and complements The Teasmith Gin just perfectly. What’s not to love about the mint plant?

Fresh mint is the perfect serve for The Teasmith Gin due to the delicate sweetness that we achieve when distilling the tea. Mint is incredibly easy to grow and we thought we would provide you with our top 5 tips for growing your own garnish.

Grow your own garnish

Top 5 tips for growing mint:

  1. Although mint is easy to grow, its roots, can be incredibly invasive and take over the garden really easily. For this reason we recommend planting in a pot or a container that you can then submerge into the ground.
  2. The best location for your mint is where it will receive morning sun and partial afternoon shade. If growing your mint indoors, place the your pot where it will receive good morning light but where it will also be away from heating elements that will dry it out. 
  3. The best time to plant your mint is in the spring, but be careful – we do live in Scotland so if there is a late frost, try and protect it from the elements. Mint will be one of the first plants to arrive each season.
  4. The only maintenance that mint really needs is regular watering. You should keep the soil moist all of the time though be careful to not over water it. Simple!
  5. Harvest mint sprigs before the plant flowers and to extend the picking season, pinch off the flowering buds as they appear.

Growing mint as a garnish

Lastly, when the time comes to harvest your mint plant, make sure you have a bottle of The Teasmith gin at the ready and serve as follows:

  • 50ml of The Teasmith Gin
  • 4 mint leaves
  • 1 bottle of premium tonic water
  • Plenty of ice
  • Your favourite glass

Let us know how you get on in the comments below.

 Growing mint as a garnish



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